
"I have never thought having a professional personal coach is necessary for me. I am fortunate to be coached by Albert Atinon.
I have my dark days when I feel I am not good enough. I have doubts about myself so frequently that when I have positive feedback on the value I have added, I dismissed it completely and choose to believe it is not true. I feel people are judging me and feeling insecure most of the time. I set so high an expectations of myself that suffocated me at times. This overwhelms me frequently causing me anxiety attacks with no clear purpose.
Albert's method of coaching draw me out to refocus on my thoughts and acknowledge my emotions. I have tendency to jump unto actions too fast and the results are frequently unsatisfactory which may caused me to spiral down again.
I urged those that are feeling this rut like me to speak to Albert Atinon. It can be life changing. It changed my perspective.
Don't wait.”
— Sarah Heng, APAC Operations Manager, Align Technologies



