
"I am writing this testimonial to share my coaching experience with Albert which was just completed a few weeks ago. I have known Albert for many years from our working relationship in J&J. I guess we know each other quite well as friend and colleague. I have never thought of getting a formal coaching session with him. However, after I decided to leave J&J 6 months ago to take a career break, I also decided to engage Albert to support me in exploring my passion and what I should be focusing on as my next journey in life. What are the important matters to me to create a meaningful life.

At first, I was not sure how the coaching sessions would go as I wonder if our friendship would impact the effectiveness of the coaching sessions. But surprisingly the coaching sessions were so effective and meaningful. Particularly I like his coaching style which has allowed me to go deep in my self reflection, find out my strengths and what matters to me. Our conversation is practical, and the sharing of his experience and thoughts has been relevant to my situation. I was inspired that he took ownership of my situation and was not hesitant to give feedback to sharpen my thought process. Great coach!

I am glad to share that at the end of the sessions, I was able to write down my life vision statement - “helping create better health care access on my own terms”. I will use this as reference as I am defining my next steps. Then what I will do next? Let’s just see and enjoy the journey.”
— Indriyati Sumarsono, Entrepreneur



