
"Do you realize that the years we have left is now fewer than the years we have lived?"

This is my biggest takeaway from my intro coaching session with Albert Atinon . Now is the time to check off things from my bucket list. Get fit? Now. Eat healthy? Now. Sleep early? Now. Not next week when I'm not stressed anymore. Not next month when things have slowed down. Not tomorrow, when I feel better and refreshed.

During our session, I realized that I had been blaming external factors (work, stress, life's lemons) and using them as an excuse to limit myself because, well, it's easier and more convenient that way. I don't need to change anything. Nobody likes change anyway.

And this is where Albert can help. His guided questions and spot on logic helped me see how I was limiting myself (I truly did not know that I was doing this). Step by step, Albert helped me sort through my muddled thoughts, and figure out how to start working on those dreams and goals that have been stuck in my brain for years - because I wanted to do them "one day."

— Catherine Uy, Mom and Entrepreneur



